

The colour palette is designed to support a flexible, modular visual style that feels connected across EC and EU websites and platforms. The intent of the palette is to convey a united and open European spirit, and leave users feeling welcome and in good hands.

Main colours

  1. Primary-180

  2. Primary-160

  3. Primary-140

  4. Primary-120

  5. Primary-100 (Primary)

  6. Primary-80

  7. Primary-60

  8. Primary-40

  9. Primary-20

  1. Secondary-180

  2. Secondary-160

  3. Secondary-140

  4. Secondary-120

  5. Secondary-100 (Secondary)

  6. Secondary-80

  7. Secondary-60

  8. Secondary-40

  9. Secondary-20

  1. Dark-100 (Dark)

  2. Dark-80

  3. Dark-60

Status colours

  1. Info

  2. Success

  3. Warning

  4. Error

Accent and neutral colours

  1. Accent-160

  2. Accent-140

  3. Accent-120

  4. Accent-100 (Accent)

  5. Accent-80

  6. Accent-60

  7. Accent-40

  1. Neutral-180

  2. Neutral-160

  3. Neutral-140

  4. Neutral-120

  5. Neutral-100 (Neutral)

  6. Neutral-80

  7. Neutral-60

  8. Neutral-40

  9. Neutral-20

Other colours

  1. Background

  2. Branding

  3. White